Greeting and warm wishes for a blessed and cheerful 2019.
Esteemed Chief Guest of the day Mrs.T.SathyaBama,Thasildar of Kalluapatti and the guest of honor Rev. Bro. Irudhayam SG the provincial superior of Trichy Province, brothers, sisters, Parents, Well-wishers, teaching and non- teaching staff and dear children. A warm welcome aboard to everyone arrived here today.
As we approach to the end of this academic year and our 1 year of success with the new curriculum towards providing quality education. We take this opportunity to thank the Almighty God for his abundant blessings and guidance from our patron saint, parents, students, teachers and well-wishers.
St James Nursery & Primary School has been changed as Montfort School in this academic year to bring all round development for every child in order to enrich them from rural to urban standard. So that,they may shine in their lives and reach great heights.
Montfortian Brothers have rendered their service for imparting the quality education with a holistic approach. The guiding lights behind this institution are Rev Bro Irudhayam,SG the provincial Superior, Rev Bro Y Joseph the correspondent and Principal of Montfort School. They have worked hard to give quality education and focus on supporting all students to reach their full potential academically socially and emotionally.
As we share the yearly updates of our activities, we take the modesty to say that we aid our best to do as we had planned. Here we have the annual report for the academic year 2019-2020.
An enrichment seminar was conducted of our teachers in our school. Rev. Fr Susai Manickam addressed and motivated our teachers. He explained the role of a good teacher and the challenges in teaching profession.
“The purpose of education is to learn life.”
The inauguration of our Montfort School in Palakurichi was on 17th June 2019.Rev.Fr Philomine Raj, the Parish Priest of Palakurichi and Rev.Br.Dr. Irudhayam S.G the Provincial superior of Trichy Province blessed and inaugurated the school by opening the way like in flowers in florescence for children to learn life. Many supporters blessed the Institutions, holistic growth in its passion for quality education. It was a glorious occasion to celebrate the growth of Montfort family.
The birth anniversary of our former chief minister and the King Maker of Indian politics Mr. Kamarajar’s birthday was celebrated as Education Development Day in our school on 15th July 2019.
The first annual sports day of Montfort School was celebrated on 22nd August 2019, the chief guest Mrs.T.SathyaBama,Thasildar of Kaluapatti, the guest of honor Rev. Br.James Paul Raj, the correspondent and the principal of St. James higher Secondary School Palakurichi, and special invitee Mr. Pandian Retired additional director of survey added great delight on everyone.
The spirit was ablazed by the unfluring of the national flag, Olympic flag and “Declaration of sports meet open” by the chief guest. The Luminous ceremony was followed by igniting the flame by the students with boisted spirit of rejoicement.It was a delight to see the little ones participating with much joy and fun. The students wear quick and very determined to bag the prices in all track events. The trophies and the medals were awarded for various houses for exhibiting their true sportsmanship spirit.
The most intriguing aspect embellishing the event was the splendid house displays involving all the house students which splattered on the field. The display included presentations “Avoid Plastic” by James House,”PLOSONE” by Gabriel House,” and Save Water” by Montfort House.
The chief guest in her speech addressed that the cultural displays were very essential and needed for the current scenario of life. She also added that sports and games are a great way for students to develop skill, achieve goals, team co-operation and stay physically fit. All were thrilled and appreciated the efforts of students and staff.
“A good teacher is like a candle- It consume itself to light the way for others”
Love and Respect for their teachers and mentors was highlighted by our Students by the school cabinet on 5th September 2019.The excitement of the students were quite contagious. The principal addressed the gathering by his inspiring speech about teachers and their endless effort in -lighting the path for the development of the students. Addressing the teachers on the occasion, Rev. Bro Y Joseph, The Principal and correspondent of Montfort school extolled the role of teachers in a student’s life and said the reason for celebrating teacher’s day on Dr. Radha krishnan’s Birthday.
“Children are our most valuable resource who makes our life important
Each day of our lives we make deposits in the memory bank of our children
They’re-invent our world for us”.
Our school Commemorated children's Day on 14th November 2019 with the Great fervor and excitement. Our staff put up an excellent show of their talents by performing songs, dance, comedy skit and fun games to entertain the children on the occasion. The principal re-kindled the uniqueness of children and how extremely valuable they are for the society and inspire the student to attain great height.
The provincial superior to visited our school on 19th November 2019 motivated the faculty to approach the students kindly encouraging confabulation the system of Asian education which centre on the total development of a person
Diwali was celebrated with devotion, enthusiasm and excitement. Welcoming the festival of lights the students presented various cultural programs such as Dance, drama, songs, poems and speech to celebrate the festival. The program concluded the blessings and the awareness about the ill effects of crackers.
“The one birth that changed the history of Mankind It gives the good news of great joy”.
Our school celebrated the birth of Jesus Christ and New Year with great joy and enthusiasm on 21st December 2019. The old building was renovated and named as Montfort Hall. It wore a festive look with Bells streamers and beautifully decorated Christmas tree. Rev.Fr. Philomine Raj, the Parish priest of Palakurichi grace the celebration as a chief guest and blessed the hall .The children were told about the birth of Lord Jesus Christ.
The Spirit of Giving and sharing was inculcated among the tiny tots LKG to grade 6 of our school celebrated the festival on 21stDecember 2019 with Guide the entire campus was festooned with melodious Christmas carols, nativity skit on the birth of Jesus Christ and Santa with chocolate and balloons the celebration came to the end with the distribution of delicious cake pieces.
“Farming is the profession of hope.”
Pongal was awe-inspiringly celebrated in our school on 13th January 2020. The staff and the students celebrated pongal in its traditional vibe to make the students understand the cultural heritage of Tamil Nadu. Our school staff prepared sweet pongal and brought the true festivity into the campus. The whole campus was vibrant as the children wished each other pongal wishes.
“The computer offers another kind of creativity. You cannot ignore the creativity that computer technology can bring”
A new computer lab was inaugurated on 23 January 2020 by Rev. Bro. James Paul Raj the correspondent and principal of St James Hr Sec School. It helps the students, a great deal by taking maximum advantage of their new computer lab and gain more information knowledge.
The 71st republic day was celebrated on 26 January 2020 in our school. Rev. bro. James Paul Raj hoisted our national flag.
In adulation of 347th birth anniversary of our founder St.Montfort. Every day special prayers were recited for a week. On 31st January 2020 a solemn Eucharistic celebration was held to commemorate the selfless life of Saint Montfort.
Rav.Bro. James Paul Raj added joy and Esteem as the chief guest of our celebration. The students enacted scenes from the life of our founder. All were inspired by the skit and it motivated the students to lead a holy and victorious life. On our patron’s birthday the students have been appreciated and encouraged by giving away the merit certificate to the winners of various competitions like handwriting, elocution, dance, fancy dress, and drawing. Rev Bro James Paul Raj appreciated our students in his address for their efforts and handed over the certificates to the winners. The Joy filled day ends with sweets.
The parents teachers meet was organized once for the first term and another one for the second term. Rev Bro Y. Joseph has briefed the gathering and also explained about the do’s and don’ts it’s of parenting, reality of today’s parent and the mentality of today’s children.
After the address the teachers apprised the parents about the areas of strength and weakness of the child and sorted out ways to boost the child’s performance. It helps to create better understanding between parents and the school.
Competitions play a role in motivating students to perform and excel offer a lot. It offers the children to exhibit their talents. Our Montfort school has always been motivating to build on interpersonal skills; Various competitions were conducted like -
Rhymes competition, Thirukkural recitation, fancy dress competition, handwriting for Tamil, English and hind, drawing and elocution on Tamil and English